1. Create a New Planet
To begin creating your own planet on GitMind, open the platform, navigate to “My Planets,” and click on ‘New planet +’ in the top panel.
Note: Non-GitMind members are limited to creating 1 planet, whereas GitMind members can create up to 5 planets.
2. Manage Your Planet
Once your planet is successfully created, you have the option to rename it, enable member comments, permit members to create new content, and even delete the planet entirely. Easily adjust these settings by clicking on the ‘…’ at the top right corner to customize your preferences.
3. Invite Members to Planet
To share your planet with others, go to ‘My Planets’ and hover your mouse over the desired planet. You’ll see the Share button appear on the right side. Click on it to select ‘Allow to join’ and set permissions. Then, simply copy the link and share it with your friends.
Members who join the planet can view all its files, create new ones, or invite others to join.
Note:Non-GitMind members can invite up to 5 people to join this planet, while GitMind members, upon subscription, can invite up to 30 people.
4. Manage Members
After others join the planet you’ve created, you can manage members’ permissions. Simply go to ‘Settings’ in the top right corner of the Planet page, select ‘Planet members’ from the left panel. From there, you can adjust permissions such as ‘View Only,’ ‘Can Edit,’ ‘Set as Admin,’ ‘View/Save,’ or ‘Remove Member’.
5. AI Planet
GitMind has recently introduced our official AI Planet, a comprehensive hub dedicated to delivering the freshest AI-related news, updates, hints, techniques, and much, much more. Keep yourself updated on the latest advancements in artificial intelligence, explore innovative strategies, and uncover valuable insights to further enhance your AI proficiency. Kindly note that a one-time subscription fee is required to join the planet. Join our AI Planet today to unlock a vast array of resources and opportunities and expand your knowledge and skills in the field of artificial intelligence.
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