6 Incredible Ways How to Improve Communication Skills at Work

Last updated on September 6, 2024 by

Whenever we convey information from one person to another using speech, written words, images, or nonverbal gestures, we are communicating. In both our personal and professional lives, we employ communication skills in a variety of contexts, including discussions, emails, oral and written presentations, and visuals like graphs and charts. Being able to communicate effectively is important, especially at work. However, there are people who have poor com skills. In this article, learn how to improve communication skills whether in your personal or professional life. 

Importance of Communication Skills at Work

Having excellent communication skills is essential to building a successful career. The ability to express ideas clearly and calmly is absolutely an advantage. Managers, bosses, or any organization or industry only hire people they believe to have excellent communication skills. They choose people who will foster big profits and benefits in the organization. With that being said, having good com skills boosts your credibility in the workplace. On top of that, it develops good relationships with your colleagues and boss. 

5 Types of Workplace Communication Skills

  • Listening
  • Verbal
  • Non-Verbal
  • Written
  • Visual

How to Improve Communication Skills in the Workplace

As an employee, having practical communication skills can help you negotiate, avoid conflicts, and build healthy relationships in your organization. Taking this into account, take a look at these tips on improving communication skills at work.

  1. Mind Map Your Ideas
  2. Think before You Speak 
  3. Accept Constructive Criticism
  4. Develop More Empathy
  5. Increase Emotional Intelligence
  6. Cope with Stress

Mind Map Your Ideas

mind map ideas
Edit this example

One of the effective strategies to improve communication skills is the use of mind mapping. You may now be wondering how to improve communication in the workplace using this method. Well, this brainstorming tool helps you to organize your ideas before you convey them to others as communication begins within. Spend some time planning your response before you offer an idea or have a meaningful conversation with your boss.

By structuring your ideas, you can have a more productive conversation that is also clearer and easier to follow. 

Think Before You Speak

think before speak

Most spoken words are powerful when given time to think before sharing them. Spend a few minutes setting up the speech draft if the conversation or meeting is for a meeting, assembly, or conference. Also, try having a practice conversation with a trusted friend before an important conversation so you can avoid any errors.

When speaking in meetings, maintain an upright posture, and try to prevent slouching and unnecessary hand gestures. Make eye contact with each person who is paying attention. When there is enough room, moving around the room might also be beneficial. It may make the listeners feel more involved.

Once you’re done speaking, give your listener time to respond to you as a sign of respect. This will increase the chance to have great communication.  Thank them for their time, stay on schedule with your presentation, and use only a few acceptable jokes if you want to gain respect and appreciation. 

Accept Constructive Criticism

accept criticism

Take a responsibility for your actions and begin to accept criticism from your boss and colleagues. There are also times you will get unfavorable feedback, prepare yourself for it and remember there’s always room for improvement. Additionally, you can identify problems and show devotion to your job by asking others for their critiques. You can also consider asking for suggestions and advice for a certain project or workload. 

Develop More Empathy

develop more empathy

Empathy for others is a necessary ingredient of having a meaningful conversation as communication is more than just talking. Put yourself in the shoes of someone who will listen to you as you develop a conversation. As a result, you will be prepared to learn about and protect any possible differences, as well as more easily tell your point of view. Further, the ability to understand another person’s feelings, views, thoughts, and beliefs is a driving force for effective communication.

Increase Emotional Intelligence

emotional intelligence

Emotions play a big role on how to improve communication skills in the workplace. If you are misled and unaware of your emotions, you will not be able to express your demands and opinions. Consequently, this could result in conflict, misunderstandings, and disappointment. To improve communication, one must develop emotional intelligence or deep awareness of one’s own and other people’s emotions. You must recognize emotional circumstances, be conscious of your emotions, demonstrate empathy, and control your emotions.

Before you talk or write an email, take a few deep breaths if you have problems controlling your emotions. When you have calmed down, it is easier for you to communicate and manage tasks efficiently at your workstation.

Cope With Stress

cope with stress

There are a lot of instances that stress becomes constant and starts to give a negative impact on your work lifestyle. It can affect how well you communicate, make clear assessments, and engage in appropriate behavior and activity. However, enhancing your ability to manage stress can improve your relationships with those around you. It lessens the anxiety of speaking and helps you convey thoughts more effectively with friends, colleagues, partners, and bosses. 


Learning how to improve communication skills has a lot of benefits not just for personal but also for corporate life. While many people are struggling with their com skills, helpful tips are discussed in this article. Above all, you can use mind maps in your professional life to not just improve your communication skills but also to boost productivity. With that, we recommend using GitMind as it provides exciting and pre-made templates that you can use based on your needs.

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Posted by: on to Tips and Resources. Last updated on September 6, 2024

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