What is OpenAI Sora: All the Things You Have to Know

Last updated on March 4, 2024 by

If you’re into tech, you likely know about DALL-E and ChatGPT—they create images based on text prompts. These tools are becoming popular for boosting productivity. Now, there’s something new: Sora from OpenAI. It’s a game-changer because it instantly makes videos using prompts. Feeling intrigued by what Sora is and how it works? Then, keep reading to learn more about Sora in this article.

What is OpenAI Sora and How it Works?

  1. What is OpenAI Sora
  2. How OpenAI Sora Generate Video
  3. Where to Use OpenAI Sora

What is OpenAI Sora

As mentioned earlier, OpenAI Sora is a video generator that uses text prompts. This app aims to speed up video production without sacrificing quality. Powered by a diffusion model, Sora can create realistic text-based videos up to 60 seconds long. It starts with static noise and then uses machine learning to transform the images to match the provided description in the prompt. With the ease of use it offers, no wonder many people are now switching to using this prompt-base video maker.

sora video generator


  • Sora can interpret long prompts of up to 135 words with accuracy and diversity, whereas, it can generate a video covering a wide range of topics.
  • This AI uses Dall-E technology in order to understand and recreate complex scenes realistically.
  • It can create new videos from images or add to existing ones, giving users more options.
  • This app is claimed to be a smarter AI because it can understand and mimic the real world. 


  • Sora struggles to show exact physical situations, like what happens to a cookie after it’s eaten. This can make the videos it creates a bit inconsistent.
  • It gets confused about which way is left or right. This can make things look strange or confusing in the videos it makes.
  • As of now, it can only generate a 60-second length video without sound attached.
  • Without guidance, Sora could create inappropriate or offensive content, like violent or explicit videos. 

How OpenAI Sora Generates Videos

Diffusion Model and Transformer Architecture

Besides the diffusion model, Sora also uses transformer architecture, to create a more solid and consistent frame for each video it generates. To explain, a diffusion model is meant to create a detailed texture. Meanwhile, a transformer model like GPT excels in overall layout rendering – hence, when combined together they can create a video with intricate and quality details.

For more understanding, here’s how some technical articles explain how the two different models work together to power up Sora. OpenAI explains how this combination functions. In diffusion models, images are divided into smaller rectangular patches, which are three-dimensional for videos due to their persistence over time. These patches act like tokens in language models but for images. The transformer part organizes these patches, while the diffusion part generates content for each patch.

Dimensionality Reduction

Another standout aspect of this hybrid design is its use of dimensionality reduction during patch creation, which helps make video generation computationally feasible. This means the system doesn’t have to handle every single pixel in every frame, lightening the computational load.

Recaptioning or Automatic Prompt Engineering

Moreover, to enhance the clarity and quality of the video output, Sora employs a technique called recaptioning or automatic prompt engineering. This feature ensures that the user’s prompt contains the necessary details for generating high-definition videos.


Although many reviews of Sora are emerging, this AI video-generation app is not yet accessible to the public. However, it is anticipated to be released in the early months of 2024, along with information about its pricing.

Where to Use OpenAI Sora

Even though OpenAI’s Sora isn’t available to the public yet, many are excited about its potential. Does it require specific text prompts like ChatGPT or image generators? We’ll have to wait and see. Nonetheless, this AI video generator is expected to greatly assist in video production. Here are some industries that can benefit from Sora and boost their productivity:

Professional Content Creators

Are you a YouTuber? TikToker? Or someone who loves to create videos for Facebook and Instagram Reels Sora is definitely a must-have AI for you. This AI video generator is set to revolutionize the workflow of professional content creators by providing valuable assistance in various aspects of video production. One significant advantage is its ability to generate video fillers, thereby saving creators the time and effort typically spent hunting for or filming additional footage. Additionally, Sora can help streamline the concept development process by generating preliminary visuals based on provided prompts, allowing creators to refine their ideas more efficiently.

Content Creators Wanna-Be’s

For aspiring content creators looking to enter the realm of video production, Sora offers a fantastic opportunity to kick start their journey. Particularly for individuals who may be lacking in production resources or experience, Sora serves as an accessible and user-friendly tool to begin crafting engaging content. By leveraging the capabilities of AI technology like Sora, newcomers can overcome initial hurdles and start creating high-quality videos with confidence.

Marketers and Advertisers

Advertising videos play a pivotal role in marketing strategies. However, the process of conceptualizing and producing these videos can be exhausting and time-consuming. The repetitive cycle of shooting and production further adds to the challenges faced by production and marketing teams.

Fortunately, Sora offers a solution by swiftly transforming conceptual ideas into realistic videos. This instant video generation capability allows teams to visualize the content before shooting begins on-site. By providing a preview of the video, Sora enables teams to identify areas for improvement and refine the scenes prior to actual production.

In essence, Sora streamlines the video production process, making it more efficient and collaborative. By allowing teams to review and adjust the content in advance, Sora helps ensure that the final video aligns with the intended vision and meets the desired quality standards.


In conclusion, OpenAI Sora is an exciting breakthrough in AI-powered video creation, promising accuracy and efficiency. However, it’s essential to approach its use with caution due to potential errors and limitations. While the prospect of utilizing Sora for video production is thrilling, it’s crucial to proceed with mindfulness and adherence to safety guidelines. By balancing excitement with caution, users can harness Sora’s transformative potential while mitigating risks, ensuring a responsible and beneficial integration of this innovative technology into video creation processes.

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Posted by: on to Tips and Resources. Last updated on March 4, 2024

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