8 Best TED Talks 2025 You Should not Miss

Last updated on December 25, 2024 by

TED Talks showcase inspirational videos and valuable information useful for everyone. This is a video conference site with a wide range of topics from technology,  entertainment, design, global issues, and more, often presented through storytelling. Currently, thousands of TED Talks can be streamed online. Many of these discussions may pique your interest. Hence, you might waste your time browsing through all the TED Talks. For this reason, we’ve compiled the top TED Talks you shouldn’t miss. Scroll down and check them out below.

Must-Watch Inspirational TED Talks

Want to learn better? Start Mind Mapping: Hazel Wagner

top ted talks mind mapping

Hazel Wagner, a Ph.D. in Mathematics, discusses the benefits of mind mapping for better understanding, memorization, and retention. This TED Talk will explain how mind mapping works as an effective note-taking strategy and how useful it is for remembering things. She believes that learning must involve active thinking, not just writing down what we hear. Just like what we would normally do when taking lecture notes. Also, one good mind map maker to help you practice mind-mapping is GitMind. It is one of the best online mind mapping apps for users who are looking for a free tool.

The Puzzle of Motivation: Dan Pink

Career analyst, Dan Pink points out that the traditional way of rewards is broken. This is a very inspirational Ted talk, where he teaches different types of rewards and gives leaders effective ways on how to motivate. He also discusses the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivators in his talk.

The Surprising Science of Happiness: Dan Gilbert

science of happiness ted talk

We think that happiness is often referred to as a search when apparently it’s not. In Dan Gilbert’s Ted Talk, he breaks happiness down into two basic components- the happiness we create and the happiness we stumble upon.

Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are: Amy Cuddy

One of the top Ted talks you should not miss watching is “Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are” by Amy Cuddy. In this talk, Cuddy speaks about how body language influences how we see others and could also contribute to our chances for success. Moreover, she demonstrated some bodily postures that can affect self-confidence and stress levels.

The Power of Vulnerability: Bren Brown

power of vulnerability ted talk

Brene Brown’s The Power of Vulnerability is one of the top ten most viewed Ted Talks. The talk focuses on explaining how vulnerability works in our society. As an example, she cited the story of an entrepreneur who dared greatly and achieved success as a result. She also shared that people who dare to be vulnerable are happier and more deserving of love.

How Great Leaders Inspire Action: Simon Sinek

great leaders inspire action ted talk

Another one of the best Ted talks inspired by the story of the greatest leaders of the world, Simon Sinek started with his idea of the golden circle composed of ‘what’, ‘how’, and ‘why’. This model explains why we are inspired by leaders. Another takeaway from his talk is that a true leader should inspire people not because of what we have but because we want to.

Turning Adversity into Opportunity: Muniba Mazari

Turning Adversity into Opportunity by Muniba Mazari is such a great presentation for everyone to learn from. Mazari is a writer and an artist. She shares her story of being paraplegic. But instead of suffering in agony, she teaches how she overcame, rose above, and drew inspiration in spite of it. You definitely should see this top TED Talk boost your motivation.

My Stroke of Insight: Jill Bolte Taylor

stroke of insight jill taylor

Jill Taylor is a brain scientist who discusses her experience of having a stroke and stayed aware of how her body reacted the whole time. She witnessed her brain shut down from speech, self-awareness, motion, and memory. It took her 8 years to completely recover and finally relearn how to walk, talk and think again. She even brought a real human brain for an actual demonstration. Taylor’s compelling explanatory gestures even made the talk interesting which will encourage you to finish this Ted talk in just one sit.


TED Talks inspires people by sharing substantial ideas, best stories, and performances around the world. Thanks to YouTube and other platforms TED Talks are accessible anywhere online. On the other hand, we encourage you to watch because these best TED Talks can help you with your career, growth, education, and many more.

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Posted by: on to Tips and Resources. Last updated on December 25, 2024

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  • TED talks are entertaining and informative, thanks for sharing.