How to Write an Easy Essay Outline for College Students?

Last updated on August 23, 2021 by

Writing an essay seems to be a trivial task these days. You don’t need any expertise to be able to write an essay. However, this assumption leads writers to make mistakes. Be it in content, structure, arguments, or details to include. That’s why it is a good idea to write an outline before actually begin to write an essay. Doing so will help you organize ideas in a logical order and structure the flow in a coherent way. To save your time and effort, we prepared some essay outline examples. Check them out below.


Essay Outline Writing Tutorial and Examples

Templates help you achieve a presentable essay outline and organize ideas better. To create such an essay outline, here are some of the essay outline examples made for various types of essay papers.

Argumentative Essay Outline Example

argumentative essay outline example
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This outline tackles a topic about the effect of the internet. It is composed of four paragraphs including an introduction, harmful effects of the internet, benefits of using the internet, and conclusion for closing. Each part comes with subtopics that serve as evidential support in favor of the arguments. Using this essay outline sample, you will be able to outline different points of view, reasoning, and evidence which is the purpose of an argumentative essay.

Persuasive Essay Outline Example

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Persuasive writing is where you can express your point of view using logical reasons, stating facts, and even quotes from experts. If you want to create this outline, you may refer to the example above. In this essay outline example, you will see some reasons and research to persuade schools from selling junk foods. The first paragraph gives you an overview of the main topic. Then you will need to provide solid evidence to support your opinion which is the second paragraph as shown in the outline.

Informative Essay Outline Example

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If you want to write an informative essay outline, consider this essay outline template. There is an introduction about caffeine addiction definition, background information, and the scope of the essay. The main body covers the discussion about caffeine and diseases due to caffeine addiction. It also comes with the solution on how to end the addiction to caffeine. To finally complete this essay outline example, there is a conclusion that states the thesis and importance of study regarding the impact of caffeine.

Narrative Essay Outline Example

essay outline example
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A narrative essay is another type of academic writing where you can tell your personal experience. It should include sensory details in describing events just like in this essay outline sample. Moreover, the essay is conversational like what you would normally do when talking to someone. You start with a scenario, describe the experience, the problem faced, and your thoughts and feelings. At last, is the part where the writer states his/her learnings and realizations.

Steps On Writing An Essay Outline

If you want to write an essay but you’re not sure where to begin, writing an essay outline sample is a great idea. This will serve as your guide in organizing and presenting your ideas in a logical manner.

  • Write down the topic you intend to talk about and research relevant sources that will help you form ideas in favor of the main topic.
  • List separate sections for every paragraph that covers a new topic. Create at least three categories depending on the length of the subject. You’re almost done creating your first essay outline example.
  • Break down the categories into sections to give way for the important ideas. Then, arrange them in order of importance and logically.
  • Meanwhile, if you want to create a stylish and presentable outline, GitMind is an excellent tool for this need.
  • Enter the title of the essay into the main theme. Add branches to insert the subcategories and under each category are sections covering the main category.
  • Lastly, you can share the essay outline example with friends via a link or save it locally using the export function.
create essay outline with gitmind


While writing an essay can be a trivial task, many are still encountering problems along the process. And through outlining, you will be able to understand the topic and organize your research. Therefore, if you want to learn how to write an outline and get essay outline examples, the above content can make your work easier.

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Posted by: on to Tips and Resources. Last updated on August 23, 2021

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