Are you planning to throw a party this coming month? When you are hosting an event, you should consider a lot of things to make this successful. These include budgeting, location, menu, theme, timeline, speaker, and so on. Making a mind map is a good way to collect information and collaborate with other organizers in order to collect ideas. In this post, we’ll walk you through guides and tips on how to plan an event to help you out along the way.
Event Planning Steps
Before jumping on your goals in the event plan, you must think about the things that need to be settled to have your event successful. So, here are the steps you must need to follow.
1. Note Down the Details
If you are planning an event, you just need to write the most important details. These include the name of the event, date and time, budget, and responsibilities. When scheduling the event, make sure to check your calendar and ensure that you don’t have an event happening on that day and time.
2. List People Coming
The number of invitees is probably too big unless you are planning a party for yourself alone. It is much better if you will write all the guests and personnel completely with names and contact numbers on a Google Sheet or Excel file instead of writing all their names on the mind map.
3. Find Location
In finding a suitable location, there are mIn finding a suitable location, there are many things that you need to think about. One is that if the venue can accommodate the list of people who will attend the party. Another, if it is convenient for you and for the guests, and so on.
4. Plan the Program
Plan the program before the event will come. You can make an outline of the main agenda and list the estimated starting and ending times. Make sure that the estimations on teh time are realistic.
5. Print and send invitations
Right after the invitation is printed and ready, you need to send them to your guests in the comfort of their home or sending them through email. With that, they may be able to clear whatever schedule they have on the date of your event.
6. General
Here, you can buy all the things that might be needed at the party itself. These include wines, giveaways, game prizes, and so on and so forth. Aside from that, you may settle the payment for the lights and sounds for the venue, photographers and videographers, etc.
How to Plan an Event?
To be able to plan an event efficiently, use a mind map tool named GitMind. This is an advanced brainstorming tool that allows you to collaborate ideas with your colleagues. Aside from that, it offers editable stylish mind map templates which can help you boost your productivity and creativity. Moreover, it enables you to customize maps with images, icons, and colors. What’s good about this tool is that it is a multi-platform that can be used on Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS. To create a plan with this tool, see the detailed event planning steps below.
- On your computer, visit the official page of the tool using your favorite browser.
- From here, If you wish to use the web-based tool, simply click the “Get Started” button. Or hit the “Download” button to below to download the installer on your computer then run it.
- Afterwards, you will be directed to the editable templates. Then, click the “New Mindmap” button to start creating your event plan.

- Input the event name on the Main Theme, and add nodes by pressing the “Tab” key. You can change theme, style, layout, add icon and relation line.

- When you are done,save, share or export your plan.

To give you an idea of how to start your event plan, we make an example for a birthday event. Check the sample below and if you wish to use this template, simply click the “Edit this example” button.

Event planning is never been that easy without the tips and guides listed above. Mind mapping is the best you can have in planning an event especially when you are using the GitMind tool. With this, you can start planning your event successfully.
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