Photosynthesis Concept Map and Definition with Examples

Last updated on November 9, 2021 by

Just like everyone, plants also need air and nutrients in order to live. We all know that plants need water, soil, and sunlight to grow. But did you know that they don’t consider these things to be food? Rather, plants use these things to make glucose, a type of sugar that is essential for them to live. This method is called photosynthesis. Meanwhile, if you are a teacher and you would like to teach this topic to your students, you might consider making a mindmap. In that case, see the details below on how to make a photosynthesis concept map.

Photosynthesis Concept Map Examples

Concept about Photosynthesis

Before we proceed with the mindmaps provided in this article, let discuss first the two major concepts behind the process of photosynthesis: light-dependent reactions and light-independent reactions. These two methods are the main structure that makes the photosynthesis process work. That being said, we will also introduce the photosynthesis concept map for each method for you to understand it deeper.

Light-dependent reaction

Photosynthesis dependent map
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The light-dependent process occurs within the thylakoid membrane and needs a constant supply of sunshine. The objective of photosynthesis’s light-dependent processes is to gather energy from the sun and break it down hydrogen atoms which are then transformed into energy in the form of the compounds ATP and NADPH.

Light-independent reaction

Photosynthesis independent map
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This photosynthesis concept map also known as Calvin cycle primary objective is to build a glucose molecule. This is the component of photosynthesis that takes the Co2 from the atmosphere that the plant receives. Basically, the plant needs Carbon dioxide molecules to generate the basic components for glucose. A stromal enzyme termed ruBisCo mixes a five-carbon ribulose biphosphate unit with a carbon dioxide molecule.

Photosynthesis concept map examples

Photosynthesis Map using GitMind
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The photosynthesis concept map shown above is a great approach to explain complex processes in plants on how they survive. This technique may be used to give you a visual representation of the concept. It uses diagrams to arrange and generate knowledge. Concepts are expressed in a conceptual model by framing them using the elements provided by GitMind. They are linked by lines that reflect the connection between the two methods. In addition to that, concept mapping is connecting the processes and presenting them in a graphical format to describe the right procedure in order to make it easier for you to understand.

Material used on the photosynthesis concept map.

  • Photosynthesis
  • Light-dependent reactions
  • Light-independent reactions
  • H20
  • C02
  • Energy from sunlight
  • ATP
  • Thylakoid membranes
  • Stroma
  • O2
  • Chroloplasts
  • NADP
  • High Energy Sugar
  • ADP+ P


Above all, photosynthesis is a complicated process that occurs in plants to create energy through the use of water and sunlight. You may understand a complex process in very simple stages with the assistance of this photosynthesis concept map by using visuals that may help you absorb the content and even understand it better.

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Posted by: on to Tips and Resources. Last updated on November 9, 2021

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