If you run a business or manage product development. There will undoubtedly come a point when you will have a new idea and be puzzled as to how to present your new value to your consumer. In such instances, developing product roadmaps is a great idea. This tool will help you communicate your product concept and achieve your product goals as well as general planning of your product to achieve your visions. Having said that, you can continue reading below to fully understand this great method.
Product Roadmaps Introduction
- Product Roadmaps Definition
- Types of Product Roadmaps
- Product Roadmap Example by GitMind
- The Importance of a Product Roadmap
Product Roadmaps Definition
A product roadmap is a high-level visual summary that lays out the vision and direction of your product’s supply through time. A roadmap template explains the why and what of what you’re doing. A roadmap is a guiding strategy document that also serves as a plan for carrying out the production process and providing the final result of extensive study, discussion, and deliberation. When you’ve established strategies and objectives, it’s time to prioritize features and upgrades based on a variety of variables.
Types of Product Roadmaps

Every organization should assess every product roadmap templates they are about to engage. Depending on their own customers what type of roadmaps they will use. This type of product roadmap will bring a clear and relevant view within the organization for them to know what they should do and how to do it. On that note, we listed the five most common types of product roadmaps you can use.
Epic Roadmaps – This product roadmap example can help you organize and prioritize tasks across numerous releases, communicate important strategic priorities, and make essential choices.
Feature Roadmaps – Displays the timetable for releasing new features. Feature roadmaps are excellent for conveying to customers and other teams the specifics of what is occurring or when.
Portfolio Roadmaps – Evaluate upcoming product releases for many items in a single view. Portfolio roadmap templates are important for presenting a strategic overview of your leadership strategy as well as an understanding of how various product departments collaborate.
Release Roadmaps – Release roadmaps are useful for organizing launch activities with various cross-functional teams, such as advertising, advertising, and customer support.
Strategy Roadmaps – Based on product roadmaps, a strategic roadmap is useful for communicating the status of leadership efforts and keeping cross-functional teams on track with the overall business plan.
Product Roadmap Example by GitMind
A product roadmap should ideally depict the strategic direction of your business. It should also be tied to corporate goals. As part of this, of course, you will want a reliable and secured tool in making this kind of technique. In this instance, GitMind can easily assist you in creating this sort of presentation. It is a brainstorming tool that offers you product roadmap templates as well as creating professional-looking flowcharts, graphs, mind maps, and many more. In addition to that, you can use its drag-and-drop feature that allows you to make your presentation quick and more efficient. Having said that, you can click the “Edit this Template” button below to try out the sample template provided in this post.

The Importance of Product Roadmap
Creating and producing product roadmap templates takes a vital commitment to your ideas all through the organization, from knowing the exact product promotion to delivering to the consumers, to pulling it off successfully. Your product plan is an excellent example of this focus. It is a commitment to your group and clientele that you will be accountable for the most essential work.
It is also an important aspect of any strategic planning process. The exercise of creating a product roadmap may be the catalyst for discussions about where you should concentrate your resources and why. When you connect your roadmap templates to implementation, you should be able to clearly imply the impact of your work.
Creating a product roadmap is an admirable step toward product brilliance. In the future, your product plan will be the most accurate indication of business development and effectiveness. Continue to create, collaborate, and update your strategy so that the activity has always been in movement and updated.
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