10 Unique Productivity Tips and Tricks for Work

Last updated on October 15, 2020 by

Work productivity is an essential factor for a successful working career. Productivity is determined by comparing the results of two or more employees that are doing the same work. In other words, if one person finished a job and the other didn’t, then the latter is considered less productive. However, there are ways to improve productivity and gradually become a better worker. On that note, we have listed ten productivity tips that you can start practicing which will help you in the long run.

Productivity Tips:

Use a Mind Map

motivate with productivity tips

First among the productivity tips here is using a mind map. Basically, a mind map is a visual chart that is used to organize and connect your ideas to make even better ideas. It will help you see the discrepancies and will help you manage your work schedule more efficiently. For example, tools like GitMind provides easy access to ready-made mind map templates. This allows you to immediately start using any map you want and start improving your work performance.

Make a To-do List

productivity improvement tool

Though it may sound cliche and straightforward, making a to-do list for the day is a proven way to increase productivity. By listing down all the things that need to do for the day, you’re already avoiding chances of forgetting or even procrastinating later on. One productivity improvement trick is to list down the things to do based on priority to know which task needs immediate attention.

Do One Task at a Time

Not everyone can multi-task. This is true, especially for people who have a short attention span. The primary requirement for effective multi-tasking is focusing your attention on things that matter. That is why if you are struggling with doing multiple tasks at once, then stop doing them at the same time. You should focus your attention on the most important task and the one that needs your attention the most. Combine this with other work productivity tips, and you’ll be on your way to more healthy working habits.

Take Care of Your Physical and Mental Health

protect your health productivity improvement tip

Overworking is not suitable for anyone. Exhaustion due to overworking can lead to many complications that can affect both your physical and mental health. That is why it is recommended to take a break from time to time, go on a vacation, or spend time doing something you like. Doing so will refresh your mind, and will give you time to release the built-up stress in your body. This office productivity tip is highly advised by medical professionals and is proven effective in most cases.

Work Smart

“Don’t bite off more than what you can chew.” This is often true, especially in the office. Accepting more work is not always useful, as you will eventually succumb to pressure. This will cause you to commit unwanted errors and mistakes that can lead to low productivity. That is why it is better to work smart and focus on only doing the things that matter. That is why, if you want to improve, then follow these productivity tips and make them a habit.

Avoid Social Media During Work Hours

avoid social media

People have different ways of dealing with stress. Some take a walk while others browse their social media accounts. However, overstaying on social media is the problem as you will get distracted from your work. That is why you need to stay from social media as much as possible during office hours. You need to make a rule that you will only use your phone for calls and other essential purposes. By doing this, you’ll be one step closer to productivity improvement.

Engage in Physical Exercises at Work

Sitting in front of your desk all day can be taxing for your body. You will feel heavy and will lose energy faster. That is why it is a good thing to stand up and stretch a little. Engaging in physical exercise will stimulate your brain, and release endorphins that can make you feel refreshed. It also acts as a natural pain killer and is excellent for headaches. Aside from that, it helps you channel the stress so you can focus on the task. This is an excellent work productivity tip, especially for those who feel restless when stressed out.

Decorate Your Work Desk

decorate your desk

Some studies have shown that decorating your desk with things that you like dramatically reduces stress. There was a 15% increase in productivity for those who decorated their offices, compared to those who didn’t. Simple things like a photo frame with a picture of your family, your dream car, and even your pet dog are good enough. Aside from that, you can also place a small plant on your desk to refresh your eyes. You can follow this office productivity tip easily as it requires minimal effort and resources.

Listen to Relaxing Music While Working

listen to music at work

Music is proven to be therapeutic and can significantly boost concentration. Listening to your favorite tunes with earphones can help cancel out distracting noise in your office. Aside from that, it will put you in the zone, which will release your best performance at work. Out of all the productivity tips here, this one is the most enjoyable.

Reward Yourself for Every Job Well-Done

A simple dinner, or a new gadget, anything that you want can become a great motivator. You can set rewards for yourself whenever you finish a task. Doing so will give you more motivation, paired with other tips on the list, to bring out your best performance. Above all, this productivity improvement tip is the one that only the deserving can achieve.


Working hard doesn’t always lead to a job well-done. Things must be in balance, just like everything else, to achieve quality output. In the workplace, it is essential to learn what to prioritize. The best way to do so is by organizing your schedule using a mind map and then following a strict plan yourself. Aside from that, you can practice the productivity tips that we provided above to boost efficiency and productivity at work.

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Posted by: on to Tips and Resources. Last updated on October 15, 2020

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